Thursday, March 09, 2006

FERAL is a small coalition of “foragers” in New London County and Windham County, and we invite local people to start foraging with us. We don’t mean to discriminate against other counties, but we know from experience that this has to be as local as possible.

We took the term “foraging” because we found many unpublicized farm and farm-related resources in our area. For whatever reason, Yankee farmers don’t publicize themselves, and none of the ones we know are members of NOFA.

Two can live cheaper than one – and the many can forage more effectively than the few.

Our goal is to patronize local, unpublicized farms, and to help those who have backyards to create and/or enlarge their home gardens. We have pickup trucks and access to unlimited horse manure for backyard gardeners.

We also know where to get fresh raw milk off a farm for 2.25 a gallon, and each of us gets an average of 5 gallons a bi-weekly and make sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, and butter. FERAL is actively seeking someone who wants to take up cheesemaking. If you don’t own land, you can still become a “farm resource” by taking up cheesemaking.

We named our little group FERAL because Americans need to escape from the Corporate Feedlot. Our symbol is the black bear because this animal is a very resourceful forager.

If you want to be part of FERAL and you live in Windham or New London County, e-mail We’ll take you on a farm tour and show you where to get raw milk.

Rob – organizing participant of FERAL

1 comment:

qrswave said...

Hey, hope you and your family are doing well. That's a great thing you got going there. I wish I lived in your area.

I'm trapped in the concrete jungle they call NYC.

Keep up your great work!